Bookseller Catalogs
Special List 373: Communism & Socialism 18 items on communism and socialism, with full-color illustrations
246: Bookseller’s Cabinet: From the Shelves of EDWIN VICTOR GLASER, Bookseller
By Jeff Weber Rare Books246: Bookseller’s Cabinet: From the Shelves of EDWIN VICTOR GLASER, Bookseller 145 books offered in these SUBJECTS: Aviation Medicine – Bibliography – Biography – Botany – Cardiology – Chemistry – Climatology – Digestion – Enology – Genetics – Gynecology – Heredity – History of Medicine – History of Science – Horology – Hypnotism – Internal Medicine – Mathematics – Medical Education – Medical Electricity – Microscopy – Neurology – Neuropathology – Nutrition – Obstetrics – Ophthalmology – Orthopedics – Osteopathy – Parasitology – Phrenology – Physiology – Physiotherapy – Preventive Medicine – Psychology – Psychotherapy – Science Bibliography – Scientific Instruments – Space Medicine – Surgery – Technology – Virology
AUTHORS: Rasmus Larrsen ALSAKER; Adolf ALT; Francis Edmund ANSTIE; Hans ARNOLD; Walter ARTELT; Joseph Charles AUB; Grace K. BABSON; Alfred BADER; Granville Hugh BAILLIE; Donald BATEMAN; Antoine Laurent Jesse BAYLE; John William Maddock BAYLISS; Nora Sigerist BEESON; Otis Otto BENSON, Jr.; Jacob BERZELIUS; Alain BESSON; Edgar Milton BICK; Robert BING; John Ballard BLAKE; Edwin Garrigues BORING; Henry Ingersoll BOWDITCH; Robert Peter BRITTAIN; Paul BROCKETT; Sir Benjamin Collins BRODIE; John BROMLEY; Ann M. BUDY; Joseph CARVALHO, III; Kakugyo S. CHIKU; Francis Joseph COLE; Runar COLLANDER; J. Gordon COOK; Crerar Library; Ludwig DARMSTAEDTER; Charles DARWIN; Humphry DAVY; Kenneth DEWHURST; Robert DICK; Rene du BOISREYMOND; Leslie Clarence DUNN; David Linn EDSALL; Seymour Morgan FARBER; John FERGUSON; Alfred George Timbrell FISHER; Richard B. FISHER; John FITCH; Richard Broke FREEMAN; Walter FREEMAN; Sigmund FREUD; W. Bruce FYE; Stuart GALISHOFF; Iago GALDSTON; Frances Tomlinson GARDNER; Fielding Hudson GARRISON; Giuseppe Luigi GIANELLI; Willard GIBBS; Paul GLATZ; Jacob A. GOLDBERG; Alfred GOLDSCHEIDER; Albrecht von GRAEFE; Francisco GUERRA; Albert Jean GUIBERT; Ruth K. HAPGOOD; John HARINGTON; Sir John HARINGTON; William HARVEY; RichardJ. HERRNSTEIN; Wolfgang HOCHHEIMER; Oliver Wendell HOLMES, Sr.; Timothy HOLMES; Friedrich HORNER; Jean-Charles HOUZEAU; Charles O. JACKSON; Carl Gustav JUNG; Martin KAUFMAN; Arthur KEITH; David M. KNIGHT; Georges de LA FAYE; Albert Benoit-Marie LANCASTER; François Maurice Victor LEGOUAS; Charles LEGROS; Justus von LIEBIG; Nils LILJEQUIST; James LIND; Joseph LISTER; Edward Meakin LIVINGSTON; Mikhail Vasil'evich LOMONOSOV; Angelo LONGO; John Allan Craigie MACEWEN; John. P. McGOVERN; Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland; Charles Delucena MEIGS; Leslie Thomas MORTON; Paul Fleury MOTTLELAY; Sir Berkeley George Andrew MOYNIHAN; Earl F. NATION; National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council.; Maurice NEVEULEMAIRE; Isaac NEWTON; Dwight O'HARA; John William OLIVER; Nicolas Joseph Ernest ONIMUS; Hiram Winnett ORR; Lynn Moses OSEN; William OSLER; Henry Maximillian PACHTER; Francis PACKARD; PARACELSUS; Ambroise PARE; John Ayrton PARIS; Albert PETERS; Charles H. PIXLEY; Humphrey Thomas PLEDGE; Eugene Hillhouse POOL; Desmond POWELL; Joseph PRIESTLEY; Ernst Georg PRINGSHEIM, Jr.; Grant Lister RASMUSSEN; Giovanni RASORI; Jay Marion READ; James V. RICCI; David RICHARD; Robin E.RIDER; Walter RIESE; Eugenio RIGNANO; Louis Harry RODDIS; Sir Francis RONALDS; Charles Gordon ROLAND; Isadore Clinton RUBIN; Pietro RUBINI; Muriel RUKEYSER; Arthur RUSKIN; George SARTON; Todd L. SAVITT; Karl E. SCHAEFER; Colonel z. D. Carl SCHAEFER; Georg SCHEFFERS; Robert E. SCHOFIELD; Daniel Gottlob Gottlieb Moritz SCHREBER; Daniel Paul SCHREBER; Dorothy May SCHULLIAN; Daniel Edward SCHNEIDER; Henry SEWALL; Henry E. SIGERIST; Arthur M. SILVERSTEIN; Joseph SIMMS; John SINKANKAS; Giuseppe SKODA; David Eugene SMITH; Francis Erich SOMMER; Ruth A.SPARROW; Kurt STERN; Hubertus STRUGHOLD; Thomas SYDENHAM; Frank Sherwood TAYLOR; Auguste THILLAYE; Samuel THEOBALD; Charles THOMAS-STANFORD; John Leonard THORNTON; Gaston TISSANDIER; William TULLY; Gerard L'Estrange TURNER; Francis VALK; Cornelius Bernardus VAN NIEL; William Bechmann WARTMAN; William Dixon WEAVER; Gerald Bertram WEBB; Samuel R. WELLS; Anthea WILSON; Robert H. Lynaugh WILSON; William Frederick WINDLE; R. B. Hervey WYATT; John Richardson YOUNG
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Catalogue 93 New acquisitions, books printed in Greek, leaf books, typographic treasures
How to request a print version: A printed copy can be mailed upon request.
Beethoven: A Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Composer’s Birth
By J & J Lubrano Music Antiquarians LLCBeethoven: A Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Composer’s Birth Celebrating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth in 1770. It contains 113 items devoted exclusively to the composer, including first and early editions, a number of prints, 19th century books, and ephemera including early programs and playbills, all illustrated.
A few highlights include first editions of the iconic 5th Symphony and Beethoven's major work for the stage, the ballet Prometheus; the first edition, first issue of Op. 127, one of the famous late string quartets; and an original engraved copperplate for a striking 20th century Jugendstil image by the Austrian graphic artist Alois Kolb, together with a copy of the original print.
Special List 372: Knights & Military Orders 27 items on knights and military orders, with full-color illustrations
245: The Lion’s Share of Books Rendered & Procured: Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences
By Jeff Weber Rare Books245: The Lion’s Share of Books Rendered & Procured: Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences 63 books: A Bookseller's Cabinet: An Assemblage of Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences, Selected from the Libraries of MICHAEL J. CROWE, PH.D., Cavanaugh Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame -- Charles Darwin & Code breaking, from the library of DR. WILLIAM ROSS CABEEN, JR. -- DR. ANDRAS GEDEON, DSC, SWEDEN – Oceanographer FRANK EDWIN SNODGRASS (1920-1985) -- Engineering, Mathematics & History of Science DR. EVERETT THOMAS WELMERS (1912-2003). AUTHORS: Nora BARLOW -- Bell Telephone Laboratories -- David BLACKWELL -- Nathaniel Ingersoll BOWDITCH -- Nathaniel BOWDITCH -- Tycho BRAHE -- Florian CAJORI -- da Novara CAMPANO -- Captain Philip CARTERET -- Nigel CAWTHORNE -- Lenora CHU -- Ralph COLP, Jr. -- Nicolaus COPERNICUS -- Gordon CORERA -- Jean le Rond d'ALEMBERT -- Charles DARWIN -- Benjamin DISRAELI -- H.P. DOUGLAS -- Stillman DRAKE -- Melvin DRESHER -- Sir Arthur Stanley EDDINGTON -- Ralph ERSKINE -- David Stanley EVANS -- Alexander Charles EWALD -- M. D. FAGAN -- Eric G. FORBES -- Charles FOX -- Sir John FRANKLIN -- R. B. FREEMAN -- Edwin Brant FROST -- GALILEO -- Meyer Abraham GIRSHICK -- Sydney Henry GOULD -- Francis HAUKSBEE -- Sandra HERBERT -- Andrew HODGES -- Hordern House (booksellers) -- Derek HOWSE -- Elisha Kent KANE -- Rudolph KIPPENHAHN -- Nicolas Louis de La Caille LACAILLE -- James M. LATTIS -- Georg Christoph LICHTENBERG -- David LIVINGSTONE -- Oliver J. LODGE -- Nevil MASKELYN -- Julius Robert von MAYER -- Tobias MAYER -- Jules MICHELET -- Samuel Alfred MITCHELL -- Robert P. MULTHAUF -- John G. MURDOCH -- Sir Isaac NEWTON -- l'Abbe Louis-Antoine NICOLLE DE LA CROIX -- Peter NICHOLS -- Emily Clemens PEARSON -- Arthur Stuart PENNINGTON -- Royal Astronomical Society-- Ernst Ludwig SCHUBARTH -- Samuel Mosheim SCHMUCKER -- Hugh SEBAG-MONTEFIORE -- Michael SMITH -- David STANSBURY -- John Lort STOKES -- Nikola TESLA -- Victor E. THOREN -- Arnold THACKRAY -- Alan TURING -- Robert S. WESTMAN -- Jacob J. WEYRAUCH -- John H. WINSLOW
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